Download The Lost Mother by Catherine Hokin (.ePUB)

The Lost Mother by Catherine Hokin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 800 kb
Overview: Berlin, 1934. Homes once filled with laughter stand empty as the Nazi party’s grip on the city tightens. When Anna Tiegel’s impulsive act to save a friend attracts the attention of a high-ranking Nazi official, she suddenly finds herself in terrible danger. As her world closes in, Anna’s only comfort is in the hope of escape with her boyfriend Eddy, but then he shockingly disappears…

Rhode Island, 1957. Peggy Bailey stares in shock at the faded photograph of two laughing women which her beloved adoptive mother struggled to pass on to her before she died, whispering ‘It was inside your baby blanket when we brought you home’. Then Peggy realises that she has seen one of the girls before, in the most unlikely of places… Bursting at the discovery, she embarks on a mission which takes her across America to find the truth behind her heritage. Nothing, however, could prepare her for the tragic story her actions uncover, and how it will change her life forever…

A poignant and beautiful World War Two story about survival and a mother’s enduring search for her child against all the odds. A heart-breaking read for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, We Were the Lucky Ones and The Alice Network.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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