Download The Long Fuse Series #1-7 by Jason Born (.ePUB)

The Long Fuse Series #1-7 by Jason Born
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Overview: Jason Born is a popular historical novelist of many series as well as stand-alone titles. The Long Fuse is an ongoing series that thrillingly captures the violent period of America’s rise from ragtag colonies to independence. He is the author of three other gritty series of works spanning time and place. Lions & Devils vividly develops the heroes and villains of the monstrous Islamic assault of Western Europe during the Eighth Century. The Norseman Chronicles center on the faithful Viking, Halldorr, who desired peace, but found only war in the Old and New Worlds. The Wald Chronicles portray the rugged conflict and improbable outcome in Germania during the wars between Rome and her tribal adversaries over 2,000 years ago.
Genre: Historical Fiction


01 Quaker’s War
Quaker’s War is the first thrilling episode of Jason Born’s latest series, The Long Fuse, which pits the fate of empire against the hearts of men. He breathes fresh life into familiar characters while introducing a host of new actors, both dear and detested.
1752 A.D. What makes a pacifist from Pennsylvania suddenly take up the war hatchet? Runaway and Quaker, Ephraim, finds out quickly on a peaceful summer morning. Thereafter, he meets two very different men who may be able to help him on his sudden quest for revenge. One, an Iroquois Half King, has a similar ax to grind against a certain French officer. The other, a callow Virginian, is motivated not for revenge, but by his own inferiority to his deceased brother. The results of that bloody morn and Ephraim’s single-minded pursuit set in motion a chain of events that ensnares evermore of the world’s population in a dreadful war. Many will suffer. A few will benefit.
Each of these lives collide with one another and history, proving that individuals can affect the fate of nations. Quaker’s War begins with a bang. It ends in a torrent. It is a magnificent yarn that instantly transports the reader into the hearts and minds of those souls who battled their way through the birth pangs of a nation.
02 Savage War
1754 A.D. War has erupted. Ephraim, who has renounced the pacifist teachings of his Quaker upbringing, is scrambling to supply the army after the defeat at Fort Necessity. The young widower is dedicated to an equally youthful George Washington, who soon sends him as a delegate to the Albany Congress. There, Ephraim will join with world-famous men to encourage the bickering colonies to unite and defend against the French. Should their efforts fail, London will be forced to dispatch a commander-in-chief of their own. Through grit, this general will forcibly yoke the thirteen colonies and take the largest army ever gathered on American soil into the wilds. Will he heed his provincial advisors and fight a different type of war? Or, will he march to battle in the European way? Regardless of his choice, Providence has decreed that men and women will be swallowed by an epic conflict.
03 The Crimson Gauntlet
1755 A.D. Following the defeat of Braddock and his army, the Western Wilderness has suddenly become deadlier than ever. French and Canadian troops patrol at-will. Tribal warriors strike every settlement and traveler within reach. Ephraim Weber, a young scout and trader, must return to the scene of the battle and perhaps beyond to recover Bess, his betrothed and the mother of his children. Successful or not, he then must rush to warn the remaining British campaigns. The French have a hold of their plans, knowing when and where to strike! Along the trail, death and destruction pursue Ephraim at every turn. Allies may prove to be foes. Former enemies may become friends. The tale reaches a crescendo on a single day of bloody battles that run to and from a string of erstwhile serene locales.
04 A Fort Too Far
1756 A.D. Ephraim Weber is back among the clogged streets of Philadelphia to honor a pledge made to his dying wife. To do so, he’s taken leave from the war that thunders in the trackless wilds. But Ephraim is unable to escape violence. The bloodshed that he left behind in the wilderness has crept dangerously close to the seaboard – and his parent’s farm. During the reunion with his family, a misunderstanding complicates an already tenuous relationship. While there, Ephraim picks up unlikely companions – a singing minister and a Delaware chief. With them, he may bring a host of tribal enemies into the British fold. He leads them to the new commander of King George II’s expeditionary force. But Lord Loudoun sends Ephraim deeper into the war’s quagmire. If he is unsuccessful in his quest, Ephraim, the continent, and the world will find more blood waiting to be shed.
05 1757
1757 Ephraim Weber is in chains following the humiliating defeat and bloody massacre at Fort Oswego. But his wilderness skills have caught the attention of important men who wish for him to employ his talents for the good of the crown. Soon out of one jail cell and into another of a different variety, Weber finds himself braving frigid winter weather on a bold mission to thwart the French war effort. For naught, their brave attack does nothing but inspire the French to send out their own version which will suffer its own losses, but cripple the British war effort in the process. As Colonel Monro battles to bolster dwindling numbers of men as well as against incompetent superior officers, he and Weber join forces to valiantly defend the farthest British outpost left standing. The unbridled disgrace that follows will go down in history.
06 A Fort of Thorns
1757 A.D. After the humiliating defeat and brutal massacre at Fort William Henry, Ephraim Weber has returned to scout and kill for the famed rangers commanded by Robert Rogers. Over the ice of Lake George and atop the snows of Iroquoia, they relentlessly engage the French outpost at Ticonderoga, probing for weakness. And when he and his band discover their best chance yet for swift victory in the bloody conflict, they are surprised to find tremendous support from the highest reaches of the rigid kingdom. Resources and men are assembled by a new, competent general. The largest army ever fielded in the Western Hemisphere soon grinds its way toward General Montcalm and his lean garrison. Will the resurgent British finally reverse the fateful trend in the course of the war? Or, will a lowly Canadian ensign prove to be their undoing?
07 Thunder of Guns
1758 A.D. Following a crushing defeat against the walls of Fort Carillon, the British cause is desperate. Hoping for some small feat – or to eliminate his competition – General Abercromby dispatches his rival Colonel Bradstreet into the heart of North America on an impossible task. With no support, Bradstreet and his force are to deliver a military and economic shock to the French. While there, he and Ephraim Weber learn that the colonel’s family is at grave risk in another theater of this War of the Two Tongues. The pair immediately shift focus to the Louisbourg Expedition, which targets the largest fortress in all of the Western Hemisphere. The race is on. Between Ephraim and those who mean the Bradstreet family harm. Between the entire British campaign and the mercurial elements of Isle Royale in New France.

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