Download The Last Chance Ranch by D.G. Parker (.ePUB) (.PDF)

The Last Chance Ranch by D.G. Parker (Last Chance Ranch #2)
Requirements: ePUB/PDF reader, 582 kB
Overview: In the rough desert country of New Mexico, Ben Johnson runs a horse ranch called the Bar J. More than a business, the ranch is home to a collection of drifters, gamblers, drunks, and gunslingers, all of whom have found a second chance at life. What’s more, the ranch is a haven for men who prefer the company of other men, like Ben himself.

He and his young lover, Obie, deal with the everyday running of the Bar J and try to keep their ranch hands out of trouble. But when the arrival of strangers brings threats from without and within, Obie and Ben find out who their friends truly are and whether the strength of their love can see them through
Genre: Romance MM


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