Download The Knuckleheads MC Series by Simone Scarlet (.ePUB)

The Knuckleheads MC Series by Simone Scarlet (8-9)
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Overview: My name is Simone Scarlet, and I write steamy, action-packed romantic suspense novels about the Knuckleheads Motorcycle Club – a tough vigilante biker gang that rights the wrongs the law isn’t willing to.
Genre: Romance


Too Mean to Die
What happens after the ‘Happily Ever After’?
That’s what my husband and I were finding out.
A year ago, my life had changed forever when I crossed pathes with Coyle – the towering, tattooed biker boss of the Knuckleheads Motorcycle Club – America’s most notorious vigilante biker gang.
Coyle took my innocence, my heart, and helped me grow from a frightened little girl into a tough, capable woman – and I discovered excitment and steamy pleasures I’d never even imagined along the way.
But now Coyle and I are trying to settle into a quiet life in Washington state – with two horses in the yard, and a baby on the way. Those days of action, adventure and intrigue are behind us…
Only: how far behind us?
Because late one night, at my impromptu baby shower, the phone rings and the life we’d thought we’d left behind lands right back on our doorstep – guns blazing, engines revving, and life and death on the line.
Our past has come back to kill us – and the question is: Do Coyle and I still have what it takes to survive?

For fifteen years, I was the big, bad biker boss of The Knuckleheads Motorcycle Club.
Then, on a suicide mission in Mexico, I met the love of my life – Izzie – and a cause worth dying for became something worth living for, instead.
But can a rolling stone ever settle down? And after surviving so many years of fist-fights, gun-battles and high-speed chases, why does it feel like retirement’s going to be the death of me, instead?
I don’t know. All I do know is that when the phone rings late at night, and my old buddy from the FBI warns: "They’re coming to kill you," it’s like pulling on a comfortable, old pair of boots.
Izzie and I fell in love in the midst of chaos, danger and bloodshed.
I’ve got a feeling making it through tonight is going to be like falling in love all over again.

Queen Bee
One day, like waking from a dream, I realized the ride of my life was over. The Knuckleheads disbanded and suddenly I was back to being plain, old "Betty" – trapped in the same kind of suburban prison I’d once desperately tried to run away from. I’d come full circle – only fifteen years older, tired and tattooed, and with nothing to show for it all except one, specific regret: Turning my back on the only two men who’d ever really loved me.
I thought I’d lost Knuckleheads Rob "Rooker" Hagen, and Garret "Bowser" Barone forever – but sometimes, when you least expect it, you get a second chance.
When the remaining Knuckleheads come pounding on my door, begging for my help, I know this is my one, last shot at happiness. They need me to take one last ride – to save Rooker and Bowser from ruthless gunmen in the wilderness of Montana – and I’m the only girl with the stones to do it…
It might be a suicide mission – but those two men are worth it even if it is.
All my life, I’ve followed my head instead of my heart. Now, it’s time to take one last shot at love. After all, it might be the only thing that keeps the three of us alive.

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Too Mean to Die

Queen Bee

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