Download The Knights of Echoes Cove Series by Lily Wildhart (.ePUB)

The Knights of Echoes Cove Series by Lily Wildhart (1-2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 354 KB
Overview: Lily is a writer, dreamer, fur mom and crime documentary addict.
Genre: Romance


1. Tormented Royal – Echoes Cove was my home once. But after leaving to tour the world with my dad and his band, I never thought it would be home again. He never looked back, and neither did I.
Now, after his death, I’m forced to come home, and it seems the people I left behind want me here about as much as I want to return.
My guardians don’t want me, they want my father’s money. My best friends, the three boys who were once my saviors, my everything, are now my worst nightmare.
And there’s something deadly writhing beneath the surface of Echoes Cove. Secrets that have me trapped in the middle of a dangerous game none of us may survive.
We all have a part to play.

2. Lost Royal – Nothing about my return to Echoes Cove was what I expected, but I wasn’t prepared for the darkness that’s threatening to devour us all.
A stalker, patient and cunning, hunting in the shadows.
Powerful forces determined to control my every move and bend me to their will.
And them.
Lincoln, Maverick, Finley and Easton. I’m not sure how I’ll survive them without losing myself, or my heart, along the way. And when the secrets circling us begin to break the surface I know it’s not just about losing who I am or losing them.
Unveiled secrets provide deadly insight to what is coming… and I’m not sure we’ll all make it out alive.

Download Instructions:
1. Tormented Royal

2. Lost Royal

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