Download The Kingdom of Rarities by Eric Dinerstein (.ePUB)

The Kingdom of Rarities by Eric Dinerstein
Requirements: ePUB reader, 3.6 Mb
Overview: When you look out your window, why are you so much more likely to see a robin or a sparrow than a Kirtland’s warbler or a California condor? Why are some animals naturally rare and others so abundant? The quest to find and study seldom-seen jaguars and flamboyant Andean cocks-of-the-rock is as alluring to naturalists as it is vitally important to science. From the Himalayan slopes of Bhutan to the most isolated mountain ranges of New Guinea, The Kingdom of Rarities takes us to some of the least-traveled places on the planet to catch a glimpse of these unique animals and many others. As he shares stories of these species, Eric Dinerstein gives readers a deep appreciation of their ecological importance and the urgency of protecting all types of life — the uncommon and abundant alike.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Earth Sciences & Environment


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