Download The Key To The Abyss by Joseph Finley (.ePUB)

The Key To The Abyss: The Dragon-Myth Cycle (02) by Joseph Finley
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.6mb
Overview: The War in Heaven Brought Hell to Earth.
A.D. 998. In a forbidden book, young scribe Brother Ciarán discovers an ominous prophecy – one tied to the book of Revelation and the first battle between St. Michael and the Dragon.
Ciarán learns that every thousand years, the Dragon will be released from his prison. And each time, it creates an opportunity for the Dragon and his servants to free fallen angels and bring about the End of Days.
Unless a champion can stop them.
Pursuit of the prophecy, however, comes at a terrible price. Only two of Ciarán’s four companions survive to join the quest: a young widow with visions of the distant past and a Moorish poet whose gift with words is rivaled only by his skill with a sword.
Together, the trio must find a legendary artifact, one that could turn the tide of this conflict.
But the Dragon has his own champion searching for the relic. And if he must, he’ll raise half of Hell to find it…
Genre: – Historical Fantasy


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