Download The Justin Spede Novels by Guy Antibes (.ePUB)

The Justin Spede Novels by Guy Antibes (#3-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Guy loves to write.

Guy loves to read science fiction and fantasy

Guy loves to write what he reads.

I generally write action/adventure books. I don’t go heavily into elves, gnomes and unicorns, but I am excited to write about magic, swords, sorcery, teleportation, space flight, and aliens-even aliens among us.

My real life involves teaching graduate students debits and credits. I live in the Mountain West and have four children, who have given me lovely, happy grandkids.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy

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An Unexpected Alliance (#3)
Justin turns his focus onto Roseguard, Condor Consulting, and returning to school. A lingering antagonism at the Telsian Imperial Academy is evident when the team returns to Telsia. As Justin begins to get a handle on his new situation, circumstances give him new opportunities, new disappointments, and will put his team back in peril, knocking a smooth second term off kilter.

An Unexpected Betrayal (#4)
All of Justin Spede’s endeavors are beginning to overwhelm him. As he hires new people and tries to keep up with school, he needs a secretary to track all his extracurricular activities. The mines are being attacked by bandits, and his group is called upon to investigate. The tasks begin to expand in scope and danger while Justin rushes to keep up without losing it all.

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