Download The Jew and His History by Lionel Kochan (.PDF)

The Jew and His History by Lionel Kochan
Requirements: .PDF reader, 19.3 MB
Overview: The historian and expert on central Europe and Russia, Professor Lionel Kochan, whose work on modern Jewish history helped establish it as an academic discipline, has died at 83. His famously readable book, The Making of Modern Russia (1964 and still in print), was a tour de force that distilled in a single volume a vast and potentially bewildering history. Similarly, his Russia in Revolution, 1890-1918, has been absorbed by generations of students since it first appeared in 1967.

Kochan realised that the essence of history was telling a good story. His books avoided the clutter of abstruse facts and sparkled with piquant examples of human virtues and foibles. Sometimes his comments were refreshingly, if witheringly, humorous. The 16th-century Tsar Theodore, he wrote, was “a physically degenerate and mentally enfeebled autocrat, [with] a perpetual simper playing about his mouth. Of devout character, his favourite pursuit was bellringing.”
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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