Download The Janson Command by Robert Ludlum, Paul Garrison (.MP3)

The Janson Command by Robert Ludlum, Paul Garrison (Paul Janson Series 02)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 287 MB
Overview: Reformed from his days of assassination and international conspiracy, Paul Janson has a new mission and a new partner. Working with kickass sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, he helps other disenchanted covert operatives to be rehabilitated and create new lives. He also accepts independent jobs, but only missions he believes will contribute to the greater good. Janson takes the job to rescue a doctor who has been kidnapped by West African rebels during an ambush of an American oil service boat. At first, it appears that the doctor’s life was spared in order to treat the rebels’ wounded leader Ferdinand Poe, a beacon of hope against a cruel dictator. But when the mission goes haywire, Janson realizes he’s in the middle of something much bigger. The puppet dictator has anonymous backers with designs on the oil reserves of this struggling nation – and Janson may find he’s been fighting for the wrong side the whole time.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Thriller


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