Download The ISC Fleet Series by Rock Whitehouse (.ePUB)

The ISC Fleet Series by Rock Whitehouse (4-5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 607kb
Overview: Rock grew up in Westlake, Ohio, a far-western suburb of Cleveland, he began his working career in the Air Force at NSA Fort Meade before his 19th birthday. He later served at Shemya AFB, Alaska, then SAC HQ at Offutt AFB, Nebraska.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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4.Revolt at Zeta Doradus
The war with the Preeminent is over. Or, is it?
David Powell could tell something strange was happening around Zeta Doradus. There were too many Preeminent SLIP messages that just didn’t make sense, and he knew that could mean trouble not just for the Fleet, but the new Preeminent Leaders at Alpha Mensae, too. When the time came for FleetIntel to go see what was happening for themselves, there was only one choice of whom to send.
Carol Hansen has her own problems to manage, starting with a tough, critical new boss and her own self-criticism, pushed by the nightmares of what she did during the war with the Preeminent, and what she might have done better. With David gone, she struggles against the memories that haunt her, the decisions she now questions, and the lives her orders cost.

5.Alert Status One
The People of Traenah faced a terrible disaster. The comet was coming. It would certainly strike at a predictable time and place. There could be no question about that. The immutable laws of the universe demanded it.
The approaching cataclysm silenced wars and joined bitter enemies together to find a way out. A way to somewhere else. Anywhere, else, where they could survive.
Amid this crisis, hard science and mystical religion battled for the soul of a modern society. Some chose to escape certain death, others to embrace it as a moment of supernatural transformation.
The sudden appearance of a strange alien offering rescue only served to harden their resistance.
Xenophobic, and warlike, they would prove an unusual challenge for the Fleet.
And David Powell’s first cruise in command of Onizuka would not go at all as he had planned.

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