Download The Irish Don’s Black Beauty: The Finale by Rose Marie (.ePUB)

The Irish Don’s Black Beauty: The Finale by Rose Marie (The Savage O’Shea’s Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 733 KB
Overview: The Grand Finale to the Greatest Love story ever told!

Conner O’Shea
With my Beauty gone, I’ve fallen into hell. I’ve stripped away everything she loved about me, out of guilt, in an attempt to forget and move on. I’ve become a shell of my former self. Where once before I could find some joy, now I’m simply a monster. I’ve changed so much even I don’t recognize myself. Who is Conner O’Shea without Kahlani Edwards? No one.

The moment I said goodbye to her was when the little humanity I had left was sealed away. The boy hoping for normalcy is gone and left in his place is a cold, ruthless Beast who failed to protect his Beauty. Those who know me now refer to me as Don Balor.

The savage beast inside me grows every day I’m without her, and every night I’m forced to relive my greatest mistake. In the depths of my soul, I feel her calling for me to find her because she can’t be gone, yet evidence tells me otherwise. On the week of my Beauty’s twenty-second birthday, a tip comes in that rocks not only me but my entire organization. Now, even more than before, it’s time for me to show no one is off-limits when they cross Don Balor.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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