Download The Invasion of Lake Peculiar Series by Jack Ravenhill (.ePUB)+

The Invasion of Lake Peculiar Series (1-4) by Jack Ravenhill
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Overview: Jack Ravenhill loves to build strange and complex worlds rich with unforgettable characters, hidden corners, and looming questions. His favorite stories break down old categories and invite you into fresh and fascinating ways of thinking. Whether it’s robot fairies or small-town aliens, whether the stakes are the fate of the world or a teenage heartbreak, Jack always gets you through with heart, humor, and a feast among friends.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Three Aliens Walk Into a Bar
Aliens have invaded earth. In Lake Peculiar, that’s nothing to be rude about.

Nerdy 20-something Sam has lived his life desperate for the approval of his domineering best friend Gus, so when it’s announced that aliens are coming and Gus decides he wants to go to Canada to kiss his online girlfriend before the world ends, Sam allows himself to get pulled along. Again.

But Gus’s plans have a way of falling apart, and this one is no exception. They soon find themselves stranded in Lake Peculiar, Minnesota, a struggling small town that has weathered disasters before and is sure the alien invasion won’t mean anything to them … until three aliens arrive in the center of town.

Things are about to get much more complicated than anyone – especially wallflower Sam – is ready for.

#2 – Fun With Mind Control
Resisting alien mind control just wouldn’t be Midwest Nice.

As Gus and his pro-alien faction gain influence with the people of Lake Peculiar, some of the Titans’ mental powers are revealed, but their intentions remain veiled. In his bid to gain control of the town, Gus tries to convince everyone that the psionic gifts from the aliens really are gifts and won’t hurt the townspeople at all.

Conspiracy theorist Ronan Keats thinks he may have found a way to sever people from the alien hive mind without destroying their minds or their lives, but in the process, he gets sucked into the hive mind himself.

Meanwhile, Sam and Journey’s nascent Resistance fights the clock to find an antidote to the Titans’ psionic control. Can they save Ronan and the rest of the town before it’s too late?

#3 – The Gus Ascendancy
Sympathizin’ with aliens makes about as much sense as government cheese.

When Gus and the other alien sympathizers are granted psionic powers as acolytes of the hive mind, Sam realizes something needs to change – and that something is him. So he gives in to Ronan’s personality, which was imprinted onto him as Ronan died, letting it take over entirely.

Ronan had none of Sam’s people-pleasing tendencies, so the imprint gives Sam a confidence boost. But it also makes him headstrong and foolhardy. He goads Gus into a hasty attack on the hive that results in Gus starting his own break-away faction: The Gus Ascendancy.

Before Sam’s consciousness is completely overwhelmed by Ronan’s personality, Journey finds a way to psionically scour most of Ronan’s imprint away. Sam has just enough confidence left to negotiate a compromise with Gus.

But can Gus be trusted when so much power is almost in his grasp?

#4 – Everything Is Ruined Forever
If Gus had his druthers…

Gus has shifted his ambitions from local ascendancy to planetary domination. Too bad the Titans want him dead – and they’ll destroy the town if that’s what it takes to stop him.

That’s why Gus has no choice but to highjack the crystal-based superweapons they’ve been developing so that he can reach out to the mothership and demand that he be made the tenth viceroy of Earth.

As usual, things do not go according to plan. Can Sam stand up to Gus to save everyone else in town? Or will he be too Midwest Nice to save the day?

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