Download The Infinite Gift by Charles Yang (.ePUB)

The Infinite Gift: How Children Learn and Unlearn the Languages of the World by Charles Yang
Requirements: ePUB reader, 1 MB
Overview: A child’s very first word is a miraculous sound, the opening note in a lifelong symphony. Most parents never forget the moment. But that first word is soon followed by a second and a third, and by the age of three, children are typically learning ten new words every day and speaking in complete sentences. The process seems effortless, and for children, it is. But how exactly does it happen? How do children learn language? And why is it so much harder to do later in life? Drawing on cutting-edge developments in biology, neurology, psychology, and linguistics, Charles Yang’s “The Infinite Gift” takes us inside the astonishingly complex but largely subconscious process by which children learn to talk and to understand the spoken word.

Yang illuminates the rich mysteries of language: why French newborns already prefer the sound of French to English; why baby-talk, though often unintelligible, makes perfect linguistic sense; why babies born deaf still babble — but with their hands; why the grammars of some languages may be evolutionarily stronger than others; and why one of the brain’s earliest achievements may in fact be its most complex.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Linguistics


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