Download The Idoron by Antoinette McCormick (.ePUB)+

The Idoron by Antoinette McCormick
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI .AZW3 Reader | 1.1 MB
Overview: Sent to kill a man who doesn’t exist, she meets one who cannot die…

Renata Darkfell makes her living by exterminating all those labeled non-essential by Doctor Mazawa, the ruler of Saisei Era Japan. But Renata has a secret, and when Mazawa unearths it, threatens to kill the sharp-tongued bounty hunter, unless she kills his old rival and steals his invention, a powerful weapon known only as the Idoron.

Desperate to save her life, Renata embarks on a journey which will take her deep into forbidding territory: a forest of legend where the boundaries of time and reality blur. There, she will encounter the enigmatic Jo, a strange man with even stranger abilities, who just might share a strong connection to Renata’s past.
Genre: Science Fiction Fantasy


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