The Idea Generator: Tools for Business Growth by Ken Hudson
Requirements: .PDF reader, 2.8MB
Overview: A toolkit of 60 practical ways by which the reader can think faster to reach earlier decisions, without neglecting a conscious, deliberate, and reflective approach
Creating new ideas and growth opportunities is the lifeblood of any organization, but time to come up with new ideas is always an issue. This ultimate resource for the time-strapped presents 60 effective and practical speed thinking tools to generate new ideas quickly. There are tools for readers to use by themselves, with others, or to unlock the creativity of a team, and each one is simple to use and will help develop ideas and solve problems faster. This powerful handbook is perfect for business executives who might be running their own business, working in innovation, new product development, business development, sales, marketing, and advertising. The speed at which people in business need to process information, create new solutions, and make decisions has increased dramatically in recent years—with this guide, expect immediate
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help
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