Download The Hunt for the Catalyst by Artemis Hunt (.ePUB)

The Hunt for the Catalyst by Artemis Hunt (The Ether World Chronicles)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI reader, AZW3 reader, 1.5MB
Overview: Enter beautiful Mrs. Night, who seems as eager to foster Billy as he is to gaze upon her creamy skin . . . until he discovers the tattoos that cover every inch of her absolutely hot body are for summoning demons. His new home in the First Demon Realm is filled with harpies, trees with Gorgon heads and Japanese ghost children who scribble on writing pads.

But why is everyone demon, human and superhuman suddenly after Billy? Why does Mrs. Night’s husband, the most powerful telekinetic alive, insist that Billy is the fabled and much prophesied ‘Catalyst’? What does a ‘Catalyst’ do and, more importantly, does he survive doing it?
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult


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