Download The Hungry Vegan Cookbook by Zoe Moore (.ePUB)

The Hungry Vegan Cookbook by Zoe Moore
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 17 MB
Overview: Veganism is certainly here to stay and has proven that it’s not just a fad! With benefits like boosted nutrients intake, like fiber and vitamins, a vegan diet also offers a plethora of health benefits, like the promotion of weight loss, improvement of kidney function, and lowering one’s blood sugar!

The recipes in this book have been curated, specifically so that they can help you plan your daily meals to be fully vegan if you want! The best part is that they are all absolutely delicious to make sure that everyone will be able to enjoy these dishes whether they eat meat or not! With a collection of basic recipes, lunch, dinner, and dessert options, you will soon be able to cook your way to better health!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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