Download The Hungering series by Heath Pfaff (.ePUB)

The Hungering series by Heath Pfaff (#1-#3)
Requirements: Epub reader, 1.09 Mb
Overview: Heath Pfaff is an author who lives in rural, western New York. He was born in a small town, and spent a good potion of his life growing up all over the world as part of a military family. He is married, and has four cats. He has no children because he doesn’t like children, and yes, that does include your children. No, they’re not different, and no he doesn’t care that you’re offended. In fact, he’s laughing at you right now.
Genre: Fantasy


1. The Noble Fool
A man is not great because he is a good man. A great man can be good, evil, or any shade of gray in between. A great man is a man who sees the world around him, and changes it to suit him, instead of letting it change him to suit itself. Lowin Fenly didn’t want to be a hero, and he never thought of being a villain, but sometimes the path that must be walked by great men leads to dark places. Body twisted by dark magic, the scribe-turned-Knight must learn to control the beast he is becoming, or risk losing the few remnants of humanity he clings to.

2. The Vengeful Malice
All men who would change the world, must first be willing to destroy it. The continuation of the epic saga began in The Noble Fool, The Vengeful Malice returns to the memories of Lowin Fenly as he is stirred from his respite of self loathing and forced on a quest to bring peace to his people, his land, and himself.
A new menace comes from the sea, and it has come to devour mankind whole. The kingdom is at war with itself, and with a new enemy, and powerful men have decided that Lowin will play an important role in the upcoming conflict whether he wishes it or not.

3. The Snow Song
Lowin has driven himself tirelessly towards his goals, seeking an end to the torments that have riddled his soul with guilt for years. The threat of the Hungering seems abated, but still greater challenges lay ahead. His companions are divided, and his own mind is split by dark thoughts, and darker urgings. Lowin must master himself, and find friends amidst the enemies that surround him, or all he has worked so hard to gain will be lost. Far across the ocean, an enemy beyond his understanding waits. Hero, tyrant, man, beast; which is Lowin Fenly?

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