Download The Hitwoman’s Act of Contrition by J.B. Lynn (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Hitwoman’s Act of Contrition by J. B. Lynn (Confessions of a Slightly Neurotic Hitwoman 10)
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 537 Kb
Overview: Imagine a high-strung, comfort loving hitwoman at a rustic spiritual retreat. Things are finally looking up for Maggie Lee. Her almost-lover Patrick is taking steps (albeit deadly ones) to insure they’ll have a future together, her niece Katie is about to be released from the hospital, her sister Marlene has stopped turning tricks and started tossing pizzas, and Maggie has a chance to land a new (legal) job. If only God would stop hounding her to apologize to her mother, Maggie would be pretty close to content with her life. When Maggie agrees to take out a new target, using a spiritual retreat as her cover story, she ends up with a spoon (long story), an odd, selectively mute roommate, and a chance to save a life. As Maggie struggles to balance all the important people in her life and deliver on the deadly contract, she begins to believe that God may be right about the act of contrition he’s demanded…but will she live long enough to do it?
Genre: Mystery | Thriller | Suspense


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