Download The High Value Man by Min Liu (.ePUB)+

The High Value Man: Principles of Positive Masculinity by Min Liu
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, AZW Reader, 2 MB
Overview: Have you ever felt invisible, powerless, and/or unattractive as a man?
Specifically, do you feel that women don’t respond to you, like you’re always the one chasing them and not the other way around?
Or, do you feel that men lack respect for you, don’t treat you seriously, and maybe even look down on you?
The main reason why these things are happening is because your “value” is currently too low and that unfortunate fact has become all too obvious to those who interact with you. Or, you’re just too much of a "nice guy".
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Society & Culture


What’s inside The High Value Man?

The reasons why you do not need to subscribe to the alpha/beta construct.
A six-step plan to help you transcend the alpha/beta dichotomy and become a high value man.
The twelve behaviors that you must eliminate in order to become a high value man.
Two guiding principles to help you always figure out how a high value man should behave.
Five tools and exercises to help your implement and reinforce high value behaviors.

What will you also learn in The High Value Man?

The difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.
How to handle real-life situations like a high value man.

What will you gain by reading The High Value Man?

Women start to notice, chase, and obsess over you more.
More confidence, self-respect, and swagger.
More authentic sense of self and healthy self-identity.
And most of all, people will start treating you better!

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