Download The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks by Joe Federer (.ePUB)

The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks: How Brands Create Authentic Engagement by Understanding What Motivates Us by Joe Federer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: Leading marketing practitioner and thought leader Joe Federer draws on evolutionary biology, anthropology, and psychology to explain why people act so differently in various online spaces and what they are seeking from participating in each one. With a framework based on Freud’s Id, Ego, and Superego model of the human psyche, he demonstrates how different social network structures correspond to different mindsets: platforms like Reddit to the unfiltered Id, Facebook to the managed Ego, and Instagram to the ideal Superego. Understanding these fundamental mindsets of social media users enables marketers to more efficiently and effectively utilize these channels to reach their target audiences.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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