Download The Harvest series by Anne Ferretti (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Harvest series by Anne Ferretti (#1 & 2)
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 2.2 Mb
Overview: Anne is an American science-fiction author. Her debut series, The Harvest, is a thrilling psychological tale that draws readers in from page one. She’s currently working on the third and final installment of the series, with plans to publish in 2016. If you enjoy thrilling and unpredictable stories The Harvest and Eve of Man won’t disappoint.
Genre: Science Fiction | Post Apocalyptic

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The Harvest (Book 1)
An alien species descends upon Earth wiping out ninety nine percent of the human population, along with every living organism. The planet is further paralyzed by a wicked winter storm that blankets everything under several feet of snow and ice. For those who survive it is only the beginning of their nightmare. Captain Austin Reynolds, lone survivor of his military unit, sets out on a cross country trek in search of his pregnant wife. Upon vague instructions from General Roth he heads for Cheyenne Mountain, where he hopes to find answers and his wife. Along the way he meets up with other survivors who turn to him as leader and protector. As the survivors travel to the mountain, it becomes apparent humans are no longer the fittest on the planet and this fight for survival may be their last.

Eve of Man (Book 2)
After a ruthless alien takeover that decimates the planet, only a few survivors remain. Hope is the only thing they have going for them and Captain Austin Reynolds is the center of their hope. When the elusive Eve returns to Earth, bringing Austin’s son with her, he again finds himself caught between duty and desire. If the human race hopes to survive Austin will have to decide between his own life or death in order to save them.

Download Instructions:
The Harvest series (Books 1 & 2):
Book 2:

The Harvest series (Books 1 & 2):
Book 2:

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