Download The Harbinger series by Keegan Kennedy (.ePUB)

The Harbinger series by Keegan Kennedy (Books 5~8)(Omnibus 1~4)
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Overview: Originally hailing from Mississippi, Keegan Kennedy is a writer based out of Memphis, TN. As a child, sometimes his active imagination was the only friend that he had. Following a degree in History from the University of Southern Mississippi, Keegan floated around the corporate while dreaming of telling stories. His first novellas were in the arena of male-for-male erotica and romance. His earlier efforts were soon followed by success when his novel, Homecoming, went to Number One in on the LGBT charts in four countries: Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He has a knack for uncovering love and romance in the darkest of places. With a tendency toward the melodramatic, he does more than arouse or excite the reader – he engages them.
Genre: Fiction | Apocalyptic Romance MM

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Omnibus 1~4: Includes Book 1: Pathogen, Book 2: The Curtain Falls, Book 3: Creepers, and Book 4: Numbers.
It starts as a whisper, barely audible.
Rumors. Paranoia. Conspiracy theories. Subterfuge.
Like lightning, the plague moves across the globe, spreading out in all directions and leaving few alive. But the end is only the beginning…
Discovered in the Alaskan permafrost, the ancient virus was reanimated and genetically-altered. The new strain showed great promise in curing many of mankind’s afflictions. When the specimen fell into the hands of the Russian theocracy, their inept scientists attempted to create a biological weapon—a weapon that outsmarted them. Now, the androvirus is a deadly airborne plague, conquering the world in a matter of days. With a communicability of 100% and a mortality rate of over 90%, there is no immunity. For the survivors, who can suppress the virus, there is only change. A few adapt, but most become walking, talking gray horrors with an appetite for flesh.

Primarily set in the American city of Memphis, four loosely-connected strangers, caught up in their lives, find their worlds annihilated by the swiftly-moving plague. Alex Connelly is a wealthy, young executive, living an idyllic life with his pregnant wife, Madison. Kirk Foster is a self-absorbed aging gay man, desperate to hang onto his youth and sex appeal. Meredith Brinkley’s on-going war with breast cancer takes a turn for the worse, and she faces an impending double mastectomy. Logan King is a closeted baseball jock, playing for a minor league team while coming to terms with his true identity. And only together will they survive…
This work can be read as a stand-alone novel with an ending— an ending that leaves the door open for sequels as well as an exit for anyone who wants to get off the ride.

Rocks in the Windshield (The Harbinger #5) At Ghost Lake, the group strategizes, planning for their long-term survival, but just because they’re a team doesn’t mean that people will get along. After the tragedy of the plague, people’s true personalities begin to emerge and not everyone is happy with Alex’s leadership. Simon’s death catches up with Nina. Logan has become smitten with Kirk. Alex continues to keep his distance from Meredith. Isaiah finds himself imprisoned inside ‘The Church of the Second Coming.’ Dr. April Harrison meets others on her way back to Memphis. Beulah slaps the fool out of someone. Meredith finds herself not liking Kirk. Falling ill, Amber is finding it harder to keep her secret. Mateo makes a play for Meredith. Something is happening between Kirk and Ammon. Someone dies on a raid outside of the lodge.

Solidarity (The Harbinger #6) Following three jarring deaths and a surprise absconder, the thinly-stretched group is down by four, so the mood at Ghost Lake is somber. Kirk continues to ruffle feathers, but in typical Kirk fashion, he really doesn’t give a shit. Amber worries about her future on several fronts. April finds out some fascinating details about Shasta. Beulah and Jack bury the hatchet. Alex isn’t happy by Mateo’s interest in Meredith. Lauren sets the record straight concerning Kirk. Logan has an unexpected telepathic experience. Channing is determined to keep busy. While searching for weapons, Kirk and Ammon grow even closer. Rex finds himself in a harrowing situation. A terrifying new variation of creeper is discovered. When a huge secret is voluntarily confessed, a moment of kindness snowballs into a show of solidarity.

Down the Rabbit Hole (The Harbinger – #7) After Logan’s shocking revelation, Kirk makes his decision. Lauren offers Ammon some sage advice. April, Shasta, and Lorenzo find a friendly port. Nina tries to talk sense into Logan. Isaiah finds a new ally in Andre. Ammon pleads his case to Kirk. Alex decides to take a chance. There’s more to Brandon than meets the eye, and his eyes are now on Channing. As the moon wanes, three couples make love for the first time. An unexpected event shakes everyone up. Isaiah overhears an interesting conversation. Andre finds a sympathizer. Kirk and Aries’ true connection is finally revealed. Liza makes a unique new friend. It turns out the lodge at Ghost Lake isn’t as secure as originally thought. April, Shasta, and Lorenzo make the perilous journey into the city. On the way to Coldwater, Ammon, Kirk, Liza, and Michael meet a hostile group. The Prophet makes a serious error, enabling an even darker power to rise at The Church of the Second Coming.

Endgame (The Harbinger – #8) In the final installment of the Harbinger Series, Beulah’s sharp words cause Meredith to reexamine her past actions. In Coldwater, Kirk and Ammon find a varied collection of people, including a few bad apples. Liza finds herself some temporary comfort. Sparks fly between Michael and Montana. Doris and her ghoulish children take over at the Church of the Second Coming. Isaiah and Andre plot their escape. Amber gets good news. Kirk reels from the mounting emotional pressure coming from Ammon. April, Shasta, and Lorenzo get used to life at Ghost Lake. Logan comes to a decision. Lauren makes a shocking discovery. The residents of Ghost Lake recruit allies in their quest to save Andre.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 25th May 2021. Thanks to Gene)

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