Download The Great Regression: Fedcoats by C.G. Bronson (.ePUB)

Fedcoats by C.G. Bronson (The Great Regression #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 460 KB
Overview: Dr. Marcus Gunn arrives in Phoenix in the middle of the food riots. Not the best time for a job interview, but he figures the National Police Force has it under control. That is, until the power grid is destroyed. Gunn never thought he’d kill again after Syria, but a lawless 2,000 miles is a long way to go without killing. Especially if you’re off your meds…

Tia Gunn is stranded in a powerless Chicago mansion without food, water, or her ten million Twitter followers. She has to live in the Clubhouse guarded by Windstone Security just to keep the Ropers from murdering her. So when the National Police Force arrives, she figures the nightmare is over. That is, until they start murdering people. Tia never thought she’d have to take motherhood seriously, but a baby is a lot of work without a NannyBot. Especially if you’re being hunted.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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