Download The Good One (The Ones) by Kate Randall (.ePUB)

The Good One (The Ones #1) by Kate Randall
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: An aspiring politician and a reporter looking to make a name for herself. Sparks fly, but secrets threaten to destroy them.


Interviewing Senate hopeful Donovan Hayes is supposed to be my ticket to the byline. I assume he’s nothing more than a puff piece that looks good in a three-piece suit. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

His touch ignites a passion in me I didn’t know existed. But will being with him destroy my reputation and possibly end my career?


Staying away from family embarrassment and winning this election are my main goals. It’s all going according to plan until I meet Kasey. I can’t help but picture her long legs wrapped around me with her taste on my lips. The fire between us is undeniable. And dangerous.

A faceless enemy threatens my family. Kasey is the next target. With a stalker closing in time is running out.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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