Download The Good Luck Sister by Jill Shalvis (.MP3)

The Good Luck Sister by Jill Shalvis (Wildstone Series 1.5)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 77 MB
Overview: After a difficult few years, Tilly Adams is ready for life to start going right. Though she has a case of first day nerves teaching art at the local community college, she knows it isn’t anything a few snuggles from her rescue puppy won’t cure. Until she sees Dylan Scott again, her one-time BFF and first love sitting in the front row.
Dylan knows he should’ve left well enough alone, but when he sees Tilly living her dream, he can’t help but make contact. Ten years ago, he left Wildstone and everything in it behind, including Tilly. He had his reasons, but now he wants her back in his life, anyway he can get her.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Romance


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