Download The Game of Murder by K. Lee Brown (.ePUB)

The Game of Murder by K. Lee Brown (Scarlet Lane Mystery)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 419 kB
Overview: Scarlet Lane has been living a double life.
The downside? It comes with secrets that sometimes gets her into trouble. The upside? Her best friend, Quinn Monroe, is right there along for the ride, willing to be a part of all her adventures; especially when they involve murder.

So when Quinn invites Scarlet on a murder mystery weekend to a secluded lodge tucked beneath the Rocky Mountains, she jumps at the chance to take a break from her secret life. But when the game of murder takes a sudden leap from fiction into reality, Scarlet finds herself smack dab in the middle of a mystery as suspect number one.

Now, spending the entire weekend with a troupe of lovable (and not so lovable) characters, Scarlet has to piece together clues that point to the real killer before it’s too late.

Will Scarlet be able to solve the murder in time? Or will she find herself playing a dangerous game with a killer?
Genre: Mystery/Thriler


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