Download The Frostmarked Chronicles by Brendan Noble (.ePUB)

The Frostmarked Chronicles by Brendan Noble (#2-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 24.2 MB
Overview: Brendan Noble is an American epic fantasy author writing epic fantasy with inspiration from his Polish ancestry, mythology, video games of all types, and Dungeons & Dragons. He loves to explore the complexities of politics and the gray between good and evil.

Shortly after beginning his writing career in 2019, Brendan married his wife Andrea and moved to Rockford, Illinois from his hometown in Michigan. Since then, he has published three series: The Realm Reachers, The Frostmarked Chronicles, and The Prism Files.

Outside of writing, Brendan is a data analyst and soccer referee. His top interests include German, Polish, and American soccer/football, Formula 1, analyzing political elections across the world, playing extremely nerdy strategy video games, exploring with his wife, and reading.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy

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The Trials of Ascension (#2)
Salvation does not come without sacrifice.

Rise. Otylia will never forget the betrayer’s blade slicing across her throat. Nor will she forgive.

Trapped by Weles in the underworld of Nawia, she is further from Wacław and Dziewanna than ever. The Trials of Ascension are Otylia’s only hope to escape her father’s grasp, but is she ready to pay the price of immortality?

Fall. Wacław would do anything to get Otylia back. But no demon has ever entered Nawia’s paradise.

Marching west with the nomadic clans, Wacław senses the darkness inside him growing with his power. As Marzanna threatens his hopes of saving both Otylia and his tribe, will he surrender to the demon’s call or resist as the world he knows burns before him?

The Daughters of the Earth (#3)
Fight your darkness. Or embrace it.

Reborn. Otylia’s time in Nawia granted her great power and even greater questions. After years of following her goddesses’ commands, her path is now her own. But she doubts her decisions at every turn.

She’d anticipated her return home for a moon, but this strange land where desert and winter clash is no more familiar than the kingdom of the dead. Conquered and enslaved by Marzanna’s Frostmarked, these people see her as their only hope. How can she trust herself to save them, though, when she can’t even protect the boy she loves?

Corrupted. Struggling against the demon’s growing strength, Wacław knows he fights a war he cannot win. His soul is gone, and his hope vanished with it.

All that holds back the darkness is his bond with Otylia, but he senses her fear of what he’s become. He isn’t the same boy who left Dwie Rzeki moons ago. To free the people of this new land from Marzanna, he needs his power more than ever. But as the demon’s hunger grows, will he resist its temptations or surrender to the rage within?

The Lady of Rolika (#3.5)
A fallen goddess cursed for eternity.

An undying sorceress sworn to slay her.

Only one can be The Lady of Rolika.

Kostroma once held the earth in her grasp. But that time has long passed. Cursed because of the gods’ lies, she’s spent lifetimes clawing back her power to punish them for betraying her. Now, she’s known only as ‘The Lady,’ and Rolika is her city.

Then the witch arrived.

Bringing promises of destruction at the hand of the goddess of winter and death, Minna has met Death too often to count. Each time, her goddess has brought her back, and each time, less of her soul survived the return. It doesn’t matter. Her goddess demands she kill The Lady and take her place. Minna won’t fail.

The Deathless Sons (#4)
Death claims the living realm.

Scarred by the demon’s influence, Wacław cannot forget the horror he caused in Vastroth. He knows he must be strong to face Koschei and the Frostmarked Horde, but powerful magic protects the deathless sorcerer. With everyone Wacław loves at risk, can he control his power and find the key to slaying Koschei’s soul as his tribe burns?

Anointed by the Vastrothie, Otylia has found worshipers and new strength in the force of endings, but it’s nothing without her mother. She finally knows where to find Dziewanna. Can she save her before the pacts she’s woven with her enemies come due?

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