Download The Four: A Survey of the Gospels by Peter J. Leithart (.ePUB)

The Four: A Survey of the Gospels by Peter J. Leithart
Requirements: ePUB Reader 1mb
Overview: The Gospels are a fourfold portrait of Jesus.
Deftly guiding readers through “the four,” Peter Leithart delves into both the unique perspective of each gospel and their unifying witness to Jesus. The gospels are riddled with themes and types; Leithart reveals them and explains the Old Testament prophecies that intertwine with these apostolic books, as well as their underlying literary structures. He discusses the dating of the books, showing how the timeline of the four gospels lace together, and lays out Israel’s history leading up to John the Baptist’s birth.
For anyone navigating the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, The Four will give you your bearings.
Genre: Non Fiction > Religion


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