Download The Fortune Teller by Graham Stull (.ePUB)

The Fortune Teller by Graham Stull
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: Fergus Maloney is a fun-loving NYC street vendor from County Cork, Ireland. He hasn’t got a green card per se. But he does have a portable bread oven and one useful gimmick: he tells fortunes with every bread roll he sells. Especially when the customers are stunningly beautiful, like corporate attorney Maria Da Silva.

But when his fortune telling appears to collide with the events of September 11th, things take a darker turn. Caught up in the whirlwind that follows the attacks, Fergus is detained for interrogation, becoming the 51st man in the infamous Camp X-ray. There he will be forced to confront his own dark past.

His interrogator, ambitious young Air Force officer Brandon Zeiss, is plunged into a cat and mouse game with the Irishman; one that will call into question the very values Brandon is sworn to defend.

Maria is the only person who can save Fergus, but to do so, she must risk everything she spent her life to build up.

When the whole world comes crashing down, the only thing left is love.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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