Download The Forest Reminds Us Who We Are by Sean Padraig O’Donoghue (.ePUB)

The Forest Reminds Us Who We Are: Connecting to the Living Medicine of Wild Plants by Sean Padraig O’Donoghue
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5.6 MB
Overview: A guide book for tapping into the medicinal power of wild plants for recovering and maintaining spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

Our ancestors drew health, strength, nourishment, and meaning from their relationship to the natural world, and yet today most of us have lost that vital connection. It should then come as no surprise that we are living in an age of unprecedented anxiety, depression, loneliness, and illness. Drawing from herbal medicine, somatic psychology, Celtic wisdom, and his own experiences, author Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue outlines an approach to herbal healing for the mind and spirit that is uniquely suited to our modern times. Plants are our wild kindred and have the power to connect us with the life within and around us. O’Donoghue takes readers on a journey through some of the ways our bodies, minds, and spirits have become unbalanced in an unbalanced world. He then blends lyrical, mythic, and scientific understandings to help us to understand the potent power of plant medicine. Also included are simple rituals designed to deepen our connections to our own bodies, the land, and both new and familiar plant allies. This is the ideal book for anyone new to herbalism, as well as seasoned herbalists, naturopaths, body workers, and psychologists.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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