Download The Fjord of Evil Winds by Christoffer Petersen (.ePUB)

The Fjord of Evil Winds by Christoffer Petersen (The Explorers #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 249 KB
Overview: Entrusted with a precious manuscript, bound in sealskin, a young Greenlander risks his life to paddle across a wind-ravaged fjord to reach the last ship sailing for Denmark.

The Fjord of Evil Winds is inspired by a kernel of truth, describing how thirty-year-old Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen is forced into the attic of a colonial house in a Greenlandic settlement, with strict instructions to finish his manuscript.

A young Greenlander with his skin-on-frame qajaq, paddles into a storm to deliver the manuscript. But when he releases the slippery power of Erichsen’s words, he must use Arctic magic to overcome them, before he can continue his journey.

The Fjord of Evil Winds is a fictitious novella inspired by the Danish Literary Expedition to Greenland, 1902-04.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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