Download The Fete of Death by Vanessa Fletcher (.ePUB)+

The Fete of Death by Vanessa Fletcher (Tara Trott Mysteries book 1)
Requirements: ePUB | MOBI | AZW3 Reader | 785 KB
Overview: Murder’s having a field day… Tara Trott enters a pie contest at the nearby village of Tarndale, but murder and missing tourists are on the menu… Even though the twin’s tea leaves predict death and doom, they still set off undeterred, on their ill-fated trip to the sinister, crime-laden village of Tarndale. The entertainment murders the song list – then gets murdered himself, but no one sees or hears anything on the packed fete. The body count rises, as does Tarndale’s river – stranding Tara, Nancy Parker and the pensioner twins in the unfriendly village. Will they survive their danger filled day trip?..
Genre: Cozy Mystery


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