Download The Fallen Bard (World of Chains #2) by Lars M. (.ePUB)

The Fallen Bard by Lars M. (World of Chains #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 491 KB
Overview: Daniel’s (updated) Guide to Early Retirement. Version 2.0 :

    1: Intercept illegal money transfer from mafia boss. (Complete success. Except for the part where I was discovered and almost caught)
    2: Hide out in super-exclusive Full Immersion Virtual Reality game until the heat is off. (Doing fine so far. They may have figured out that I’m in-game…still, it’s a huge game, so no problem, right?)
    3: Roll a bard. Max out charisma. Live it up. (Two out of three ain’t bad. We’re just postponing the ‘Live it up’ part a bit.)
    4: Profit. (Still almost two years to go for that. Think happy thoughts!)

He could have been way worse off. Sure, Daniel was stuck in-game as the local bard of a quaint village, but people were nice, the quests juicy and the lore intriguing. Even so, with the mob on the look-out, Daniel would soon find himself sorely tested to avoid detection.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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