Download The Fall of the House of Murdoch by Peter Jukes (.ePUB)

The Fall of the House of Murdoch by Peter Jukes
Requirements: ePUB Reader 27.3 MB
Overview: Structured around the fourteen days in 2011, from the moment the News of the World’s hacking of the phone of a murdered 13-year-old schoolgirl was exposed, The Fall of the House of Murdoch is a riveting account of the scandal that closed the world’s best-selling English-language newspaper, forced one of the most powerful families in the world to appear before Parliament and finally prompted Murdoch’s departure from the UK newspaper world he dominated for three decades. But the book covers more than just Hackgate. It is a forensic expose of News Corp’s culture, through the early days in Australian media, the purchase of the News of the World, the Sun and the Times group, the Wapping move to the move into satellite broadcasting and the creation of the Fox Network. Exhaustively researched and fully sourced, The Fall of the House of Murdoch is a morality tale for our times, a family drama played out on a world stage and required reading for anyone seeking to understand the hidden connections that bind politics, business and culture together.
Genre: Non-Fiction – Biographies


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