Download The Faith of the English by Nigel Rooms (.ePUB)

The Faith of the English: Integrating Christ and culture by Nigel Rooms
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 731 kb
Overview: How Christian are the English? How English is their Christianity? These questions are probed by Nigel Rooms in a book which is both readable and scholarly. If England is a mission field, how is Christian faith to be understood by the English? And how are English Christians to become aware of the links and the tensions between their own culture and their faith? This book is important reading for Christians in search of self-understanding, for all who seek for a renewal of Christian faith in England, and for the many English people who are curious about the part that Christian faith continues to play in the national culture.’ John M. Hull, Emeritus Professor of Religious Education, University of Birmingham
Genre: Non Fiction > Religion & Spirituality


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