Download The Fae by Angela Aaron (.ePUB)

The Fae by Angela Aaron (Shadowstone Legend #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 918 KB
Overview: One stone, one prophecy, two worlds collide.

Torn between her own desires and her destiny to seal the doors to Fae, Fenora strikes a bargain with the evil Fae, Amae’n, but in doing so sacrifices her magic and her love for the warrior, Brynn.

As Amae’n’s dark spells slowly work to corrupt Fenora’s magic and her memory, Brynn must fight with both strength and magic, to keep his beautiful sorceress from succumbing to Amae’n’s devious plans.

With the final confrontation with the Fae imminent, will Brynn and his comrades save Fenora in time to fulfill her destiny? Or will Amae’n find the magic he needs to destroy both his world and the human realm?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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