Download The Expanding Universe (#1 & 3) by Craig Martelle (.ePUB)

The Expanding Universe 1 & 3: Space Opera, Military SciFi, Space Adventure, & Alien Contact! by Craig Martelle, Jonathon Brazee, Amy Dubois, and others.
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.1 MB
Overview: Craig has taken his more than twenty years of experience in the Marine Corps, his legal education, and his business consulting career to write believable characters living in a real world.

Although Craig has written in multiple genres, what he believes most compelling are in-depth characters dealing with real-world issues. Life lessons of a great story can be applied now or fifty years in the future. Some things are universal.

Craig believes that evil exists. Some people are driven differently and cannot be allowed access to our world. Good people will rise to the occasion. Good will always challenge evil, sometimes before a crisis, many times after, but will good triumph?
Genre: Fiction> Sci-Fi/Fantasy


The Expanding Universe (1) (.ePUB only)
Lives submerged in cosmic war… civilizations standing on the brink of destruction… Technologies that far surpass our own and ethereal beings of untold power… Immerse yourself in The Expanding Universe. Worlds collide as eighteen talented authors contribute their best short fiction to expand and explore the Sci-fi genre. Travel dystopian worlds and discover the possibilities that lie within the unknown. Experience the touch of metaphysical occurrences and enjoy the rush that comes from love deep enough to rattle the stars. With contributions ranging from best-selling authors to debut works you will fall in love with this exciting new anthology The Expanding Universe!

Featuring a Foreword by Michael Anderle

The Expanding Universe (3)
Twenty-eight remarkable stories from thirty-one talented authors. One incredible science fiction collection. The universe is expanding and these are some of its stories. Bestselling and debut authors have created worlds where invasions are apocalyptic and space empires are in peril. The universe is beyond our understanding… and sometimes, what we don’t know can kill us. From gruesome alien invasions to epic space battles, the third volume of The Expanding Universe will fire your imagination. Explore the possibilities that our infinite universe holds! Aliens, snipers, warships, royalty, intrigue, and battle, sometimes fought only within one’s mind, other times with railguns, plasma beams, and blasters. Never a dull a moment as a quarter of a million words are packed into nearly 800 pages. When we discover we’re not alone in the universe, will you be prepared? Grab your copy of The Expanding Universe Volume 3 today and explore the worlds that these talented authors have created.

Thirty-one talented authors. One incredible science fiction collection.

The universe is expanding and these are some of its stories. Worlds where invasions are apocalyptic and space empires are in peril. Travel vast distances. Explore and discover. Learn that space is tragically unforgiving, but wonderful. The universe is beyond our understanding… or is it?

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