Download The Everything Small-Space Gardening Book by Catherine Abbott (.ePUB)

The Everything Small-Space Gardening Book : All You Need to Plant, Grow, and Enjoy a Small-Space Garden by Catherine Abbott
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.4 MB
Overview: Vine-ripened tomatoes. Succulent squash. Plump cucumbers. Growing vegetables is a rewarding–and cost-effective–way to eat better for less. However, you might think you lack the space necessary to grow a functioning garden. With this guide, however, you’ll learn how to maximize your space and grow delicious vegetables and herbs cheaply and efficiently, whether you have a small backyard or just a windowsill!
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


The book includes expert information on:

*How to align plants for maximum compatibility and organic pest deterrence
*Building small-space necessities, including self-watering containers and vertical planters
*A variety of plans designed to maximize the amount of food generated at several specific price points

Productive gardening can and should be a reality for you, regardless of the amount of land you own. This book has everything you need to grow fresh produce in any size space, at any time of year!

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