Download The Enraged by Ty Wilde (.AZW3)(.ePUB)

The Enraged: The Outbreak by Ty Wilde (Shay Donovan #1)
Requirements: AZW3 or ePUB Reader, 864 Kb
Overview: What would you do if your world was suddenly thrown into chaos? Surrounded by death and destruction, would you be able to adapt and survive? This thrilling new novel tells the story of a soccer mom turned soldier. Shay Donovan is separated from her family during an outbreak where millions of infected humans become ENRAGED, destroying in their path and killing anyone they see. Shay finds herself in a brutal fight for her life in a desperate attempt to find her husband and two young daughters.
This novel, is much different than other zombie stories. Shay is an average American housewife, finds herself alone during an outbreak where those who are infected become ENRAGED. Different from the zombies in The Walking Dead (TWD), these zombies can run, jump and climb. Shay is saved from certain death by a stranger and joins a group of survivors, L.A. to the mountains where they think they’ll be safe. But, they can’t run and they can’t hide as hoards of flesh eaters hunt down the remaining survivors. Petrified of guns and violence Shay is forced to step out of her comfort zone as she desperately searches for her family realizing that if she doesn’t kill the zombies, the zombies will kill her. Shay finds herself in a world of kill or be killed and if she’s going to survive, she must become a killer.
The novel also tells the story of Shay’s husband, JT, a normal guy and his friend Porter who is a Navy SEAL as they attempt to escape the zombies with three little girls. Because these zombies can run, the men are forced to fight the flesh eaters as they seek to find refuge before winter sets in. The zombies aren’t the only enemy as other humans and Mother Nature herself make several attempts at their lives as the world literally crumbles around them. The novel moves quickly and you will wonder if the zombies will ever stop coming. When you open this dystopian zombie apocalypse novel, you will fall right in as the world of The Enraged will become a world you live in too and you’ll begin to wonder if you’ll ever escape.
Genre: Horror | Post-Apocalyptic | Zombie Apocalypse | Thriller


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