Download The Emperor’s Conscience Series by Michael K. Combs (.ePUB)

The Emperor’s Conscience Series by Michael K. Combs (#1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader
Size: 4.8MB
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Overview of books:-


1. Aspected: The Emperor’s Conscience: Book 1
Would you become a monster to save those you love?
Evanar Hostric dreams of being a Guardian, but his magic is not like the others at the Temple. It is darker, hungrier, and comes at a terrible cost.
His comfortable life is upended by a group of new students which leads to a dreadful encounter and Evan doubting his dream. He resolves to leave it behind in favor of a more peaceful path when an attack on all he loves forces him to choose: Let them die or become the monster he was meant to be.
Aspected is the prequel to The Emperor’s Conscience series by Michael K. Combs. If you like dark magic and conflicted antiheroes, you’ll love this introduction to the world of The Emperor’s Conscience, where sometimes a monster’s morality is your only hope.

2. The Emperor’s Conscience: The Emperor’s Conscience, Book 2
Part Guardian—part Priest, Evanar Hostric is a broken mage with a dark side.
Traveling to answer a mysterious offer from the Emperor, he finds himself the enemy of one of the most powerful nobles in the land.
But after discovering the Archduke’s secret—that he is selling children to his wealthy friends to fund a rebellion—that suits Evan just fine.
Locked in a race to save those that society ignored, he is beleaguered at every step and finds himself more and more willing to do horrible things in the pursuit of right.
Evanar Hostric is the Emperor’s Conscience, but does that leave room for one of his own?

3. Oathbound: The Emperor’s Conscience, Book 3
Working security in a brothel was just as much fun as Evan thought it would be–until an assassin attempted to murder the Madame.
For Evanar Hostric, Imperial Magister and The Emperor’s Conscience, this is much more than a job as he scours the Trulari city of Jerea for three missing girls–and finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy that could spell disaster for two continents.
Evan is suddenly thrust into a new role–one he learns he is not prepared for–when he discovers that the only way to his goal is through the most powerful woman in the city.
Bound by a promise to a desperate mother, Evan is tested as he must learn an entirely new set of skills that will forever change him.
With a wily Madame and a prostitute-turned-spy as his only allies, he does his best to live up to his obligations, all while trying not to get killed, or worse, fall in love.
Join Evanar Hostric as he takes International Relations to a whole new level, in this newest look into the life of The Emperor’s Conscience.

4. The Guardian: The Emperor’s Conscience, Book 4
How much is too much?
The Sarvinian palace is destroyed. The duke and duchess of Tabor are dead. Evanar Hostric, Magister and the Emperor’s Conscience has one job… keep their heir alive.
It is not so simple a task when abominations of magic and spirit thought eradicated from the world hundreds of years ago have returned… and they want Lorraine’s head.
Join Evan as he ventures across the empire to deliver the woman he loves to her betrothed.
Didn’t see that coming? Yes, well—neither did he.
The Guardian is the fourth installment of The Emperor’s Conscience series and promises to be a wild ride.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 6th July 2023. Thanks to PrincessAnne19)

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