Download The Dying Time Trilogy by Raymond Dean White (.ePUB)+

The Dying Time Trilogy by Raymond Dean White (#1-2)
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Overview: Raymond Dean White was born in a small town in Kansas and lived an adventurous life, hunting, fishing, trapping and tracking, backpacking, spelunking and mountaineering until he got older, wiser, and married. A lifelong avid reader, he writes what he loves to read–fast paced, action-adventure stories complete with intriguing characters, a touch of humor and a bit of information thrown in on how to prepare for emergencies. As a hyperactive ten year old (who still loved to read) he stumbled onto Andre Norton’s Star Man’s Son and his lifelong love affair with apocalyptic fiction was born. Now retired, he writes terrorist thrillers and apocalyptic action/adventure novels, all of which are coming soon as ebooks and in print from CreateSpace.
Genre: Science Fiction | Post-Apocalyptic | Dystopian

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Impact (Book 1)
Imagine being a thousand miles from the impact site and being almost deafened by the sound and seeing buildings flattened by the shock wave. You are thrown off your feet by jolting earthquakes that peg the Richter scale, nearly burned to death by fire falls–think rain showers but with magma–and if you live along a coastline (or likely anywhere within several hours drive) you’ll be swept away by tsunamis large as mountains. And those are just the immediate effects. Follow them with Impact Winter that lasts for years, plagues, starvation and having to defend your family against those who would murder, enslave, or eat them and you have an inkling of what Michael and Ellen Whitebear must endure to survive and begin rebuilding. Meanwhile, aboard the International Space Station the hastily expanded crew, humanity’s last hope to avoid extinction, view the devastation below with growing horror and despair. The extent of the cataclysm makes them wonder if they will ever get to go home. But their attention is soon diverted by other issues, for they have serious problems of their own. Preppers and Fans of apocalyptic fiction novels like The Stand, Lucifer’s Hammer, The Postman, Swan Song and Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse will love The Dying Time: Impact.

After The Dying Time (Book 2)
In a post-Impact world there are Kings, subjects, slaves and those desperately fighting to remain free. Twelve years after The Dying Time Impact, Joseph Scarlatti reigns as King of California, but his empire covers the remains of the entire West Coast. Now he’s set his sights on the Colorado Freeholds and the Nation of Deseret (formerly Utah) and he hasn’t forgotten about gaining control of the top secret weapon that can assure him of world domination. Meanwhile on the moon, where the crew of the International Space Station relocated to survive, the population is growing, resources are getting scarce and their power supply is failing. There’s also a growing fear that if anyone on Earth gains control of The Weapon they’ll use it against Luna City.

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