Download The Dungeoneers series by Jeffery Russell (.ePUB)+

The Dungeoneers series (1-2) by Jeffery Russell
Requirements: epub/mobi Reader, 1.5MB
Overview: Jeffery Russell is a Pacific Northwest author. He lives in a tiny house with a tiny dog and a tiny container of googly eyeballs. He spends more time thinking about dwarves than most people do.
Genre: Fantasy > Adventure > Humour

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01. The Dungeoneers: After five years as a city guard, Durham’s horizontal career trajectory adds a corkscrew when a misdelivered order assigns him to caravan duty for an eclectic group of Dwarves who hire themselves out as professional dungeoneers.

No ruler wants to leave a powerful magical weapon lying about in a dungeon where just any prophesied upstart can stumble across it and use it to overthrow the kingdom. That’s where The Dungeoneers come in. Dungeons sacked, artifacts recovered, no job too big or too small. They’re not adventurers; they’re professionals.

With the discovery that Durham may have arrived with a destiny attached to him the Dungeoneers find themselves in the midst of some history about to happen. Will experience and Dwarven know-how be enough to carry the day?

02. Blackfog Island: Salt-crusted veterans whisper of an island of swirling black fog that manifests in the night. Ships that sail into it are never seen again. One of those ships carried a mysterious relic that can not be allowed to remain lost.

The Dungeoneers take to the high seas to do what has never been done before–sail into the fog and return to tell the tale.

Pirates, sea monsters, smugglers, merfolk and slithery tentacle things with pointy bits stand between the dwarves and the most dangerous challenge they’ve ever faced.

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