Download The Dreams of Reality series by Gareth Otton (.ePUB)

The Dreams of Reality series by Gareth Otton (#1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.8 MB
Overview: I’ve always wanted superpowers, but being as that isn’t possible (yet), I thought the next best thing would be to write about them. As an avid reader of the fantasy genre, moving into writing books in that genre was the next logical step. I have been writing for sixteen years as a hobby and only recently have started creating the kind of work that I want to share with the world. My biggest goal with my books is to write things that I haven’t seen before. Therefore, if you’re in the mood for something a little different, then why not give my book a try.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Proxy
Tad Holcroft doesn’t just talk to ghosts, he lets them live in his head. They pay rent in the form of memories, knowledge and talents. Tad can do this because he’s a Proxy… which isn’t good news at the moment. Proxies are disappearing mysteriously all over Britain. As one of the last Proxies remaining, Tad needs to truly test his powers for the first time to figure it out before he or his daughter disappears next. He also has to deal with a world that’s growing aware of the Supernatural and solve the murder of an old friend, all while juggling the mood swings of a twelve-year-old daughter, the antics of a teenage ghost, and history lessons from Charles Dickens, a ghost two hundred years dead with a chip on his shoulder because that other, more famous Charles Dickens hogged all the glory. It’s a bit much for a history teacher from Cardiff, but the consequences of failure are bigger than he can imagine.

2. Nightmares
After the events of Proxy, the whole world has changed and people are looking to Tad for answers. Unfortunately, Tad is busy picking up the broken pieces of his life.Between mourning lost friends, struggling with his guilt over their deaths, helping Tony to adapt to a new existence, looking after his daughter, and somehow keeping a new relationship alive; Tad isn’t ready for another supernatural threat that only he can deal with. However, the world isn’t prepared to wait. They know who he is now… know what he is… and they’re not shy in seeking him out, especially when the stakes are so high.The nightmares are coming, and the people of the world are looking to the Dreamwalker to save them.

3. Dreamcatchers
Nightmares plague the Borderlands, protest groups turn violent against the ‘dreamwalker threat’, and the world creeps ever closer to war. Firmly placed at the heart of this chaos is Tad Holcroft, and he’s got his daughter’s thirteenth birthday to plan. If that wasn’t enough on his plate, once again dreamwalkers are being hunted. This time the hunters are armed with supernatural weapons that are custom made to kill dreamwalkers, and the fight is spilling onto American soil, taking the global tension to an all-time high. With his ghost acting out, Stella’s fledgling Dream Team struggling with teething problems, and the Prime Minister breathing down his neck, Tad finds it hard to imagine how his life could be any more chaotic. Did someone say puppies? Three of them? Perfect…

4. Uprising
Tad will do anything to get his daughter back. Unfortunately, that obsession blinds him to danger from enemies, and even from allies. The world is closer to war than ever, dangerous people have Stella in their crosshairs to protect their secrets, and the British government is creating radical new laws to protect the public from the Dreamwalker threat. Facing attacks on all fronts, Tad and Stella have to fight harder than ever just to survive. Against such odds, how can they possibly make their dream come true and bring Jen home where she belongs?

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