Download The Dragon Overlord by D. Banli (.MOBI)

The Dragon Overlord (A Harem Dark Fantasy Adventure #1) by D. Banli
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 766 KB
Overview: Aditya awakens in the body of a 19-year-old dragon and quickly learns of the unfortunate fate that befell the previous Aditya. As a man of the 21st century, he resolves to rewrite his destiny.

Bound in matrimony to the seven goddesses of this world, Aditya embarks on a journey to prove himself to his divine wives and to his own family.

These goddesses include:

The Goddess of War
The Goddess of Alchemy
The Goddess of Wealth
The Goddess of Wisdom
The Goddess of Lust
The Goddess of Music
The Goddess of Nature
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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