Download The Dragon Mage series Box Set 3 by Scott Baron (.ePUB)

The Dragon Mage series Box Set 3 by Scott Baron (#7-9)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: Books 7-9 of the Dragon Mage series are packed together in this boxset!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


7. Rebel Mage Charlie
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Or in Charlie’s case, the going just gets tougher. It was enough to make him wonder if his luck would ever change. He should have known better. Charlie had already managed to overcome alien mercenaries in two galaxies, miraculously saving his own neck as well that those of his dear friends. But things were getting complicated, and fast. Very, very complicated, in fact. With their forces in the dark as to the true nature of their enemy, Charlie and his band of rebel pirates and resistance fighters would have to dig deep if they hoped to find a way to overcome the deadly foe. And failure? It would mean a life of slavery if they were lucky, though Death was a far more likely outcome. But there was another, unexpected player in this game of magic and warfare. More than one, in fact. And as their roles became clear, the entire nature of the battlefield would change. But whether or not they could adapt in time to survive remained to be seen.

8. Warp Speed Charlie
When your luck just plain sucks in not one galaxy, but two, most people would throw in the towel. But not Charlie. In fact, it almost seemed like he was a glutton for that sort of misery. His friends were spread across two distant galaxies, separated by a heavily guarded magical portal and struggling to deal with a war now spilling over into both the technological realm as well as the magical one. And it was beginning to look like they’d reached their breaking point. But Charlie wasn’t about to give up, nor would he give in. If it was war they wanted, it was war they’d get, and he would cross space, and even time, if need be, to protect those he cared for. He would soon realize, however, that he was facing off against an adversary not only more powerful than any he’d ever battled, but one also possessing a diabolical plan worse than he’d ever imagined.

9. Checkmate Charlie
In an intergalactic pool of tech and magic, Charlie found himself in the warm spot. Whether or not that was a good thing only time would tell. Friends and comrades had put their lives on the line, defending not only their homes and loved ones, but their galaxy as well. Both galaxies, to be exact. And more than a few had paid the ultimate price. Now the threat of a massive war spilling over between both realms had gone from a vague threat to a deadly reality, and facing Visla Dominus’s incredible power, Charlie and his friends were forced to call in every favor they were owed. Even so, there was no guarantee of success. Underdogs to the last, Charlie and his friends prepared themselves for the battle to end all battles, one that would result in either victory or death.

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