Download The Dragon Boss by Anna Wineheart (.ePUB)

The Dragon Boss by Anna Wineheart
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 414 KB
Overview: What happens when you send an accidental dick pic with your resume?
On the run from dark-web criminals, Lucian Bolt has given up on a permanent safe place—all he needs is a temporary one, so he can earn some quick cash and run again. Better to flee, than linger in the truth: because of his electronic whispering abilities, his family has been murdered. A person like him doesn’t deserve happiness.
Then Lucian meets Knox, and things change.
As the boss of Whole Fish Seafoods, Knox has everything—except a family. Fifty years ago, wolf-shifters murdered his mate and child. Believing himself a failure, Knox has sworn off taking another mate… until he meets the job applicant that stumbles into his office.
Lucian smells like wolves. Suspicious, Knox frisks him, and plants his seed in Lucian. Only to find out a week later that Lucian’s not the non-magic human he claimed to be. And that Lucian is now pregnant… with a dragon child.
With Knox, Lucian glimpses what a happy future could be like. And with Lucian, Knox has someone to protect again. As the sparks between them grow, and as the dark tendrils of their pasts coil ever closer, can Lucian and Knox find their way to a future together?
Genre: Paranormal Romance, MM


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