The Donut Cookbook: 201 Easy, Sweetened Homemade Donut Recipes To Relish (Natural Food Book 22) by Teresa Moore
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Overview: When it comes to baked donuts (donatsah, if you want), people immediately think of the company Dunkin ‘Donuts. And it is quite deserved. The international network of coffee houses with donuts has won many countries.
The history of the famous coffee houses began in 1950, when Bill Rosenberg opened his first cafe in Quincy, Massachusetts. And in 1955 the license was given to the company’s first franchisee. Today, coffee shops operate in 33 countries, serving more than 2.7 million visitors daily.
Here you will be offered classic ring- glazed donat – strawberry, lemon, banana, covered with black or white chocolate; shell-donates, the highlight of which are various creams; appetizing royal-tart, glazed moti-rings and cake donates from chocolate dough.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink
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