Download The Dom with the Deviant Kittens by Sorcha Black (.ePUB)

The Dom with the Deviant Kittens by Sorcha Black (Badass Brats #6)
Requirements: ePUB | Retail, 320 KB
Overview: Lock has everything a man could want – an awesome job, good friends, a hot submissive with a bratty streak. Not bad for the nerd voted ‘most likely to be forever alone’ in high school. The only thing he and his naughty Elodie need is a hand with the housework.

Tess, the shy, frumpy girl that Elodie chooses as a maid, seems like a mismatch. Their wild, kinky household may scare the pants off her.

When Elodie falls in lust with Tess, she convinces Lock to help seduce her. Will Tess, the perpetual good girl, fall under their spell? And if she does, will they be able to handle the consequences?
Genre: Erotic Romance


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